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DWIH San Francisco Programm für Studentinnen und Forscherinnen - First-come, first-served

Dear students, 

I would like to draw your attention to an entrepreneurship academy for women organised by the Germen Center for Research and Innovation San Fransisco (DWIH SF).

DWIH SF is partnering with GUILD Academy to launch a hybrid innovation program for women. The program consists of two components: An online academy and Bay Area visit: The online part lasts eight weeks (from May 6 - June 24, 2025). Ten finalists will be invited to San Francisco for an in-person program (from September 1-5, 2025) coordinated by GUILD Academy. 

 There is a EUR 50 fee to apply and if selected for the second part, participants in the program only have to pay their flight costs and some meals. Program costs, hotels and most meals will be fully covered by DWIH.

Applications are open until 100 slots are filled. There will be an info session on March 4th (17:00 German time).