Welcome to the website of the Imaging Facility in the Cologne Biocenter at the University of Cologne!
The lab groups of the Cologne Biocenter cover a wide spectrum of cellular imaging techniques and apply these to the various organisms studied. Their methodological know-how and equipment resources have been combined in a central facility to offer all labs a working platform with modern infrastructure for a select spectrum of methods in the area of cellular imaging. Please note, however, that this facility does not provide imaging service.
The facility is located in the basement of the Cologne Biocenter, and contains space and appliances for laser scanning confocal microscopy, fluorescent light microscopy, fluorescent light dissecting microscopy, cell culture (including temperature controlled CO2 incubator)/clean bench and space and equipment for specimen preparation. A scanning electron microscope is part of the platform but located in a different section of the building. Available main and secondary dichroic beam splitters (HFT and NFT), as well as filters (high pass [LP] and band pass [BP]) available for two Leica SP8, a Leica THUNDER, a Nikon SMZ18, as well as the specifications for our Delta Vision wide-field microscope are listed in the respective submenu.
Usage of the Imaging Facility
Users will receive a thorough, equipment-specific briefing before being allowed the usage of the equipment. After being cleared for the usage of the equipment they can perform experiments and data analysis within the facility independently. Registration can be done from inside the network of the University of Cologne only, after registration and approval through the facility manager, through the following web link:
If you would like to use the equipment of the Imaging Facility in the Cologne Biocenter, please contact us Dr. Matthias Gruhn and Dr. Parisa Kakanj: Imaging-facilityuni-koeln.de